Sunday 26 December 2021

Boxing Day!

Boxing Day is celebrated the day after Christmas, on December 26th. This day is a holiday in the United Kingdom and most other areas that were settled by the English except the United States. Other countries that celebrate the holiday include New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. 

Boxing Day has become a large shopping day. Just like Black Friday after Thanksgiving, Boxing Day is a day of big markdowns on products that stores were not able to sell for Christmas. 

No one is quite sure where Boxing Day got its start. Here are a few of the possible origins of the day: 

One possible origin is from metal boxes that were placed outside of churches during the Middle Ages. These boxes were for offerings to give to the poor on the Feast of St. Stephen, which is also celebrated on the 26th. 

Another possible origin is from when wealthy English Lords would give their servants the day after Christmas off as a holiday. They would also give them a box with leftover food or even a present on this day.

Enjoy Boxing Day!

Friday 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas in European Languages

Hi there,

As you know, there are several languages spoken all over Europe. In the following map you can see how to wish Merry Christmas in all these languages.

Hope you like it!

Tuesday 21 December 2021

6th Grade Science Class: Tuesday 21st December

Hi there,

I hope your all doing great. As you know, the Science exam was yesterday but those of you who are currently at home will take the exam after the holidays.

For that reason, here you have a worksheet in which you can review the main concepts and terms from this unit.


Don't hesitate to write in the comments section in case you have any doubts.

See you!

Thursday 16 December 2021

6th Grade Arts&Crafts: How to draw a winter village

Hi there,

Here you can watch the video for today's lesson in Arts&Crafts.

Hope you like it!

Friday 3 December 2021

4th Grade: Online English Class - Friday 3rd December

Morning to everyone,

Las sesiones de hoy van a ser a través del blog para que haya un equilibro entre las clases retransmitidas en directo y aquellas telemáticas para el alumnado que no haya podido conectarse a las primeras.

Empezaremos con una actividad de repaso en la que tenéis que unir, a través de una actividad online, los audios con sus palabras escritas. 

Además, en la siguiente actividad online tenéis que resolver una sopa de letras en la que hay que encontrar palabras de esta unidad referidas a los alimentos que hemos aprendido en esta unidad.

Luego tenéis que ver la siguiente historia de Steve y Maggie. No os preocupéis si no entendéis cada palabra, lo importante es captar la idea general. Estad atentos/as porque irán apareciendo preguntas en el vídeo en las que tenéis que ir seleccionando la respuesta correcta entre las que os muestran.

Por último, en el siguiente enlace os dejo una ficha para hacer de repaso. En la primera parte, tenéis desordenadas las palabras sobre la comida que hemos aprendido en esta unidad, al lado tenéis que ponerlas ordenadas. En la otra cara hay unos ejercicios sobre "SHOULD" y "SHOULDN'T": En el primero tenéis que leer las frases de las dos columnas y unirlas para que tengan sentido. En el segundo hay que leer las frases y rodear "should" o "shouldn't" según cada una. En el tercero hay que escribir frases dando consejos usando "should" o "shouldn't" según cada una de las frases que os dan. Esta ficha se puede imprimir y hacer en casa o podéis anotar las respuestas directamente en un folio, ambas opciones son válidas.

Si tenéis alguna duda, escribid en la sección de comentarios de esta entrada. Good luck!

See you in class.

Wednesday 1 December 2021