Wednesday 30 September 2020

"Rain" by Ben Platt

Morning to everyone!

Here you have another song to practise your listening skill while you have fun. Personally, I love this song. Let me know what you think about it.

You say you've been through this _____1_____
You gave away all your _____2_____
To someone who up and left you in pieces
I know the _____3_____, believe me

I know the _____4_____ you've gotta pay
I'm sacrificing my _____5_____
and all just to get somebody to _____6_____ me
Nobody said it was _____7_____

My _____8_____'s been broken and broken and broken and broken
But I keep, keep on hoping and hoping and hoping and hoping
That if it keeps on breaking and breaking and breaking and breaking
Then one _____9_____ it'll open and open and open and open and open for you

I know we've both been afraid
but we can't run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
I know we got what it takes, 
Ain't gonna run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
We're dancing under the rain

_____13_____ deep, let it wash over you
We're _____14_____ becoming lovers
I promise you we won't be _____15_____ the others
We won't go _____16_____ for cover

My _____8_____'s been broken and broken and broken and broken
But I keep, keep on hoping and hoping and hoping and hoping
That if it keeps on breaking and breaking and breaking and breaking
Then one _____9_____ it'll open and open and open and open and open for you

I know we've both been afraid
but we can't run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
I know we got what it takes, 
Ain't gonna run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
We're dancing under the rain

Broken and broken and broken and broken
(We're dancing under the rain)
But I keep, keep on hoping and hoping and hoping and hoping
(Dancing under the rain)
That if it keeps on breaking and breaking and breaking and breaking
Then one _____9_____ it'll open and open and open and open and open for you

I know we've both been afraid
but we can't run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
I know we got what it takes, 
Ain't gonna run from the _____10_____ and the _____11_____ 
when we're _____12_____ under the rain, the rain, the rain
We're dancing under the rain

Thursday 17 September 2020

Clase Inglés 5º - Clase Jueves 17

 Morning to everyone!

¡Buenos días!

Hoy vamos a centrarnos en repasar números y comida. El primer juego online se trata de seleccionar el nivel, escuchar los números que van diciendo y seleccionar el correcto. Para acceder a este juego tenéis que hacer click en la imagen de los números.

Además vamos a trabajar con un ahorcado sobre comida. Igualmente, seleccionar el nivel, escoger el tema de comida y practicar con este juego. Para acceder a él tenéis que hacer click en la imagen de la comida de abajo. ¡Ánimo!

Today we are going to focus on numbers! They are very useful for the development of your English classes, so here you have an online game in which you can practise with them. Just click on the following numbers to play. Good luck!

Besides, let's focus on food too, in the following hang man game you can practise all you have learned in previous years about this topic. Just click on the following image to play, select the level, and then click on food.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Clase Inglés 5º - Clase Miércoles 16

 Hi there!

Continuamos repasando lo aprendido hasta ahora. Os propongo los siguientes juegos que son una manera lúdica y divertida de seguir aprendiendo.

El primero es un ahorcado, pero con piratas. Tenéis que escoger un nivel (podéis probar de fácil a difícil), un personaje e ir haciendo click en las letras que forman la palabra de la imagen que aparece. Como pista podéis hacer click en el audio para saber de qué palabra se trata.

En el siguiente, tras escoger nivel y personaje, tenéis que alcanzar con la bola la imagen que corresponda con el audio que habéis oído. Usad las flechas arriba y abajo del teclado y la barra del ESPACIO para lanzar. Good luck!

Have fun!

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Clase Natural Science 5º - Clase Martes 15

Good morning to everyone!

Buenos días,

Hoy para clase de Natural Science quiero que preparéis la libreta que vayáis a utilizar pegando la portada, ya coloreada y terminada, que os di la semana pasada. Es importante que organizemos nuestros materiales para poder aprovecharlos bien a la hora de estudiar.

Tras la portada vamos a hacer unas normas con la novedad de este año, que es el COVID. Normalmente las normas de aula se exponían en la clase, pero ya sabéis que este año es un tanto diferente, así que las tendremos puestas en vuestras libretas.

Para ello, primero os dejo con un vídeo en el que podéis ver instrucciones importantes. No os preocupéis si no entendéis todo, es normal, lo importante es que os fijéis bien en las imágenes para entender la idea general.

Os dejo, además, un enlace a otra entrada del blog en la que podéis ver ideas para organizar y decorar las vuestras propias:


Si, aún así queréis tener una idea más, aquí os dejo las reglas que yo he pensado como más importantes:

1. Wear your face mask.

2. Wash your hands.

3. Do not share school materials or food.

4. Keep a safe distance.

5. If you sneeze or cough use your elbow to cover your mouth.

Podéis copiarlas y hacerles dibujos usando, como máximo, el tamaño de una hoja de libreta.


Monday 14 September 2020

"On fire" by The Roop

 Morning to everyone!

Songs are a great way of practising the listening skill, so here you have one that I really like. Listen to it and try to guess the missing words. Can you infer them from the context? Is the rhyme helpful? Good luck!

I'm a human not a _____1_____
I can make a change and go
Wherever I want to.

They told me maybe I'm too _____2_____.
But there's fire in my soul.

The heat is getting _____3_____
I feel that I’m on fire
The _____4_____ is my desire
I feel that I’m on fire

There’s no doubt I'm _____5_____ enough
To reach the state I've dreamed of.
It's _____6_____ happen.
And I will do what I _____7_____
Just to be a better _____8_____.

The heat is getting _____3_____
I feel that I’m on fire
The _____4_____ is my desire
I feel that I’m on fire

Can't _____9_____ it took so long
To take _____10_____ and move on.
No one can stop me.

Through the _____11_____ there comes the _____12_____.
And I'm ready for some _____13_____.

Lalalalala lalalala

The heat is getting _____3_____
I feel that I’m on fire
The _____4_____ is my desire
I feel that I’m on fire

(on fire)
(on fire)

The heat is getting _____3_____

Hope you liked it!

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Tuesday 1 September 2020