Sunday 26 December 2021

Boxing Day!

Boxing Day is celebrated the day after Christmas, on December 26th. This day is a holiday in the United Kingdom and most other areas that were settled by the English except the United States. Other countries that celebrate the holiday include New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. 

Boxing Day has become a large shopping day. Just like Black Friday after Thanksgiving, Boxing Day is a day of big markdowns on products that stores were not able to sell for Christmas. 

No one is quite sure where Boxing Day got its start. Here are a few of the possible origins of the day: 

One possible origin is from metal boxes that were placed outside of churches during the Middle Ages. These boxes were for offerings to give to the poor on the Feast of St. Stephen, which is also celebrated on the 26th. 

Another possible origin is from when wealthy English Lords would give their servants the day after Christmas off as a holiday. They would also give them a box with leftover food or even a present on this day.

Enjoy Boxing Day!

Friday 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas in European Languages

Hi there,

As you know, there are several languages spoken all over Europe. In the following map you can see how to wish Merry Christmas in all these languages.

Hope you like it!

Tuesday 21 December 2021

6th Grade Science Class: Tuesday 21st December

Hi there,

I hope your all doing great. As you know, the Science exam was yesterday but those of you who are currently at home will take the exam after the holidays.

For that reason, here you have a worksheet in which you can review the main concepts and terms from this unit.


Don't hesitate to write in the comments section in case you have any doubts.

See you!

Thursday 16 December 2021

6th Grade Arts&Crafts: How to draw a winter village

Hi there,

Here you can watch the video for today's lesson in Arts&Crafts.

Hope you like it!

Friday 3 December 2021

4th Grade: Online English Class - Friday 3rd December

Morning to everyone,

Las sesiones de hoy van a ser a través del blog para que haya un equilibro entre las clases retransmitidas en directo y aquellas telemáticas para el alumnado que no haya podido conectarse a las primeras.

Empezaremos con una actividad de repaso en la que tenéis que unir, a través de una actividad online, los audios con sus palabras escritas. 

Además, en la siguiente actividad online tenéis que resolver una sopa de letras en la que hay que encontrar palabras de esta unidad referidas a los alimentos que hemos aprendido en esta unidad.

Luego tenéis que ver la siguiente historia de Steve y Maggie. No os preocupéis si no entendéis cada palabra, lo importante es captar la idea general. Estad atentos/as porque irán apareciendo preguntas en el vídeo en las que tenéis que ir seleccionando la respuesta correcta entre las que os muestran.

Por último, en el siguiente enlace os dejo una ficha para hacer de repaso. En la primera parte, tenéis desordenadas las palabras sobre la comida que hemos aprendido en esta unidad, al lado tenéis que ponerlas ordenadas. En la otra cara hay unos ejercicios sobre "SHOULD" y "SHOULDN'T": En el primero tenéis que leer las frases de las dos columnas y unirlas para que tengan sentido. En el segundo hay que leer las frases y rodear "should" o "shouldn't" según cada una. En el tercero hay que escribir frases dando consejos usando "should" o "shouldn't" según cada una de las frases que os dan. Esta ficha se puede imprimir y hacer en casa o podéis anotar las respuestas directamente en un folio, ambas opciones son válidas.

Si tenéis alguna duda, escribid en la sección de comentarios de esta entrada. Good luck!

See you in class.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Natural Science 6th Grade: Unit 3 - The human body and reproduction

Morning to everyone,

As usual, here you have a compilation with online resources from unit 3.

1. Stages of life

2. The reproductive system

3. Sex cells and fertilisation

4. Pregnancy and giving birth

5. Summary

In the following online activity you can practise with the main ideas from unit 3. Read the following texts and complete them with the missing words.


I hope you find them useful!

Thursday 25 November 2021


Hi there,

Today we deal with an element of the American culture. In the U.S.A, Thanksgiving is always celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

Although Thanksgiving celebrations dated back to the first European settlements in America, it was not until the 1860s that Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to be a national holiday.

Here's a fantastic video about the main facts of this typical celebration:

In the following one you can watch a simple explanation made by and for children.

The following one includes a song about the traditional food eaten at Thanksgiving.

Besides, if you feel like playing an online game about a turkey hunt, just click on the following image and have fun!

And finally, what are you thankful for? Fell free to leave a comment in the section below and let us know!


Wednesday 24 November 2021

5th Grade: Science Online Class - Wednesday 24th November

Morning to everyone,

Hoy hemos comenzado la unidad 3 que trata sobre "Plants". Para casa tenéis que hacer la portada del tema tres y el "mind-map" de las páginas 40 y 41.

Si tenéis alguna duda, escribid en la sección de comentarios de esta entrada.

Stay safe, stay home!

5th Grade: English Online Class - Wednesday 24th November

Morning to everyone,

I hope you're all doing OK. Take it easy now that you are working and studying from home and, you know, stay safe, stay home.

For today's lesson here you have a link to an online activity in which you can revise the prepositions of time we have learned at school. They are very different from the Spanish ones so it's important to keep practising with them.


Buenos días,

Espero que todos os encontréis bien. Para el día de hoy os he dejado el enlace a una actividad en línea para repasar las preposiciones de tiempo que hemos estudiado en esta unidad. Como es interactiva, podréis corregirla hasta vosotros/as mismos/as una vez que hayáis acabado escogiendo la opción "comprobar mis respuestas". Si tenéis alguna pregunta o duda, podéis escribir en la sección de comentarios de esta entrada.

See you on Friday!

Monday 22 November 2021

Science 5th Grade: Unit 3 - Plants

Morning to everyone,

As usual, here you have a compilation with resources from unit 3, plants.

1. Characteristics of plants

Here you can watch a video that shows the parts of plants:

2. Plant nutrition

The following video explains photosynthesis in depth:

3. Sexual reproduction in plants

4. Summary

Now, in the following online activity you can practise with all the new knowledge you have acquired. Read the following texts and complete their gaps with the words given.


Hope you find them useful! See you in class.

Saturday 20 November 2021

Working with pronunciation: Other vowels

Hi there,

Here you have a really useful infographic on how to pronounce the rest of the vowels found in the English language..

Hope you find this useful!

Friday 19 November 2021

Working with pronunciation: Long vowels

Hi there,

Here you have a really useful infographic on how to pronounce the following long vowels.

Hope you find this useful!

Thursday 18 November 2021

Working with pronunciation: Short vowels

Hi there,

Here you have a really useful infographic on how to pronounce the following short vowels.

Hope you find this useful!

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Science 5th Grade: Answers to the revision worksheet

Good evening to everyone,

As promised, here you have the answers to the revision worksheet I gave you this morning. Please, make sure you check your answers with the ones included in the following link:

See you tomorrow!

English 6th Level: Unit 2 - Listening + Reading skills

Hi there,

Here you can practise the listening and reading skills by matching up the correct pairs.

Hope you find it useful!

Tuesday 16 November 2021

English 6th Level: Unit 2 - Reading skill


Here you can practise with the written form of the new vocabulary items from unit 2.

Hope you find it useful!

Monday 15 November 2021

English 6th Level: Unit 2 - Listening skill

Morning to everyone,

Here you can practise with the new vocabulary items from unit 2. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of these new words.

Hope you find it useful!

Friday 12 November 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 2 - Listening + Reading skills


Here you can put into practice the listening and reading skills by focusing on the new vocabulary items from unit 2.


Good luck!

Thursday 11 November 2021

English 4th Level: Unit 2 - Listening + Reading skills

Morning to everyone,

In the following online activity you can practise with the listening and reading skills using the vocabulary items from unit 2.

I hope you liked it!

Wednesday 10 November 2021

English 4th Level: Unit 2 - Reading skill


Here you have an online activity in which you can practise with the written words from unit 2.


I hope you find it useful!

Tuesday 9 November 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 2 - Reading skill

Hi there,

Here you can practise with the written forms of the vocabulary items from unit 2.

Good luck!

Monday 8 November 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 2 - Listening skill


Here you can practise with the vocabulary items from unit 2. Listen carefully to the correct pronunciation of these new words.


Good luck!

Sunday 7 November 2021

English 4th Level: Unit 2 - Listening skill

Hi there,

In the following online activity you can practise with the new vocabulary words from unit 2.

I hope you find this useful!

Saturday 6 November 2021

Natural Science 6th Level: Quizlet - Unit 2 "The human body and nutrition"

Morning to everyone,

Here you have the Quizlet flashcards from Unit 2. Remember this is an entertaining way of studying the most important terms in Science.

I hope you find it useful!

Friday 5 November 2021

Bonfire Night!

Hello everyone!

Today a very special day is celebrated in Britain. Have you ever heard of Guy Fawkes? Keep on reading!

"Remember, remember,
the fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We see no reason why
Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!"

On 5th November every year, children in Britain get excited because it is Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes' Night). People light bonfires and enjoy fireworks displays. On top of the fire there is a guy (a homemade dummy).

On this day people commemorate when the King of England, James I, and the Houses of Parliament were almost blown up with gunpowder by Guy Fawkes and his gang.

Apart from burning the effigy of Guy Fawkes, bonfires are used to prepare Jacket Potatoes  and to heat up soup for the people that go to watch the fireworks.

The traditional cake eaten on bonfire night is Parkin Cake, a sticky cake containing a mix of oatmeal, ginger, treacle and syrup.

Some other typical food include sausages cooked over the flames and marshmallows toasted in the fire.

Do you want to know more about it? The following videos contain great explanations about this special day.

In the second one you can watch a British family talking about how they celebrate it!

And... Surprise! The next two videos are recordings of the Bonfire Night that I celebrated when I lived in Oundle, a tiny village not far from Cambridge.

Finally, to celebrate your Bonfire Night without any risk, let's try the following craft!

Enjoy Bonfire Night!

Thursday 4 November 2021

How To Draw A Cute Cupcake Monster Folding Surprise

 Hi there,

Here you have the video for today's task.

I hope you like it!

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Natural Science 5th Level: Quizlet - Unit 2 "The variety of life"

Morning to everyone,

Here you have the Quizlet resources from Unit 2.

Hope you find it useful!

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Natural Science 5th Grade: Unit 2 - The variety of life

Hi there,

Here you have a compilation of resources from unit 2. I hope you find them useful!

1.The five kingdoms

Here you have two videos to get more information about the five kingdoms we are learning at school.

Besides, to put all this knowledge into practice you can click on the following image and try to solve some multiple choice questions. Good luck!

2. Fungi, protozoa, and bacteria

Germs are found all over the world, in all kinds of places. They can invade plants, animals, and people, and sometimes they can make us sick.

Fungi (say: FUN-guy): These are multi-celled (made of many cells), plant-like organisms. Unlike other plants, fungi can't make their own food, instead, they get their nutrition from plants, people, and animals. They love to live in damp, warm places, and many fungi are not dangerous in healthy people. An example of something caused by fungi is athlete's foot, that itchy rash that people sometimes get between their toes.

Protozoa (say: pro-toh-ZOH-uh): These one-celled organisms love moisture and often spread diseases through water. Some protozoa cause intestinal infections that lead to diarrhea, nausea, and belly pain.

Bacteria (say: bak-TEER-ee-uh): These tiny, one-celled creatures get nutrients from their environments. In some cases in a human body. Bacteria can reproduce outside of the body or within the body as they cause infections. Some infections that bacteria cause include ear infections, sore throats (tonsillitis or strep throat), cavities, and pneumonia (say: new-MO-nyuh). But some bacteria are good for our bodies as they help keep things in balance. Good bacteria live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from what's left over. We couldn't make the most of a healthy meal without these important helper germs! Some bacteria are also used by scientists in labs to produce medicines and vaccines (say: vak-SEENS).

3. From individual to community

4. Relationships between living things

See you in class!

Monday 1 November 2021

Saturday 30 October 2021

Natural Science 6th Grade: Unit 2 - The human body and nutrition


As usual, here you have a compilation of all the resources from unit 2.

1. What do we need to function?

2. Digestion

3. Respiration

4. Circulation

Besides, if you want to know more about it, click on the following image to watch another video and have a go with an online quizz. Good luck!

5. Excretion

6. Revision

I hope you find all these resources useful!

Monday 18 October 2021

Natural Science 6th Level: Tendons vs. Ligaments

Hi there,

The following video provides an extremely good explanation about the difference between tendons and ligaments. 

I hope you find it useful!

Thursday 14 October 2021

English 6th Level: Unit 1 - Listening + Reading skills

Morning to everyone,

Here you have an online Educaplay activity to practise the listening and reading skills.

Hope you find it useful!

Wednesday 13 October 2021

English 6th Level: Unit 1 - Reading skill

Good morning,

The following online activity will help you learn the written form of the word from unit 1.


Hope you find it useful!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 1 - Reading skill

Good morning!

Today we are going to focus on the reading skill. In the following online activity you can practise with the new words in this unit. This is a way of learning through games!

See you tomorrow!

Monday 11 October 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 1 - Listening + Reading skills


Today we are going to finish working with the new vocabulary items from unit 1. This time you have to listen to the audioclips in order to match them with their corresponding written words. Up to the challenge?



Thursday 30 September 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 1 - More on quantifiers!

Morning to everyone,

Here you have an extensive explanation on quantifiers and how to use each one of them. First of all, remember that the English language makes a distinction between countable and uncountable nouns.

In the following lines, the use of the different quantifiers is going to be tackled in depth:


Siempre se usa en frases afirmativas.

- Con sustantivos contables se usa para indicar "algunos o algunas". Por ejemplo: There are some pencils on the table.

- Con sustantivos incontables se usa para expresar "algo de". Por ejemplo: There is some milk in the fridge.


- Con sustantivos contables se usa para decir “ningún/ninguna” cuando la frase es negativa: There aren't any insects. O “algunos/algunas” si aparece en una pregunta: Are there any crocodiles in the lake?

- Con sustantivos incontables se usa para expresar “nada de” cuando la oración es negativa: I don't have any money. O “algo de” cuando se usa en una pregunta: Do you have any money?

Tened en cuenta que en algunas preguntas se usa "some" en vez de "any" cuando se está ofreciendo algo: Do you want some tea?


- Con nombres contables se usa para indicar mucha cantidad. Se puede usar en oraciones afirmativas: I have many friends, negativas: There aren't many oranges, y también preguntas: Are there many candles in the room?


Se usa para indicar mucha cantidad con sustantivos incontables y en frases negativas: There isn't much water, y también interrogativas: Is there much honey in the jar?


Se usa para indicar mucha cantidad y siempre en frases afirmativas. Se puede usar tanto para sustantivos contables: There are a lot of presents!, como incontables: I have a lot of patience.


Ambas se usan con sustantivos contables en plural para dar la idea de poca cantidad. “A few“ indica que la cantidad es pequeña pero suficiente: I have a few toys. “Few“ indica que la cantidad es pequeña pero insuficiente: I only have a few friends.


Ambas se usan con sustantivos incontables para indicar poca cantidad. “A little“ indica que la cantidad es pequeña pero suficiente: I have a little free time today. “Little“ indica que la cantidad es pequeña pero insuficiente: Homeless people have very little money.

Wednesday 29 September 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 1 - Quantifiers (Some, any, much, many, a few, a lot...)

Hi there,

As you know, we are currently learning how to use quantifiers in English. Here you can see a chart with a good explanation of each one of them.

Besides, here you have a video with examples about the words we are learning that help us indicate the quantity of things. 

To put all this new knowledge into practise let's do the following online activity. 


See you in class!

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Science 5th Grade - Workbook Audio Files

Morning to everyone,

In the following link you can find all the audio files for your Science workbook. 

Para acceder a los audios del cuadernillo de Science podéis acceder al siguiente enlace.

Now there are no excuses for not doing the listening activities! See you in class!

Science 6th Grade - Workbook Audio Files

 Morning to everyone,

In the following link you can find all the audio files for your Science workbook. 

Para acceder a los audios del cuadernillo de Science podéis acceder al siguiente enlace.

Now there are no excuses for not doing the listening activities! See you in class!

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Natural Science 6th level: Quizlet - Unit 1 "The human body and interaction"

Hi there,

Here you have the Quizlet cards from unit 1. In this way you can learn by heart the most important terms about this unit.


Hope you find it useful!

Monday 20 September 2021

Natural Science 5th Level: Quizlet - Unit 1 "The organisation of living things"

Hi there,

With the help of the following Quizlet cards you have the possibility to learn by heart the most important terms from unit 1. 


I hope you find it useful. See you in class!

Thursday 16 September 2021

English 6th Level: Unit 1 - Listening skill

 Good morning,

The following online activity will help you to learn the most relevant words from unit 1. Listen to the audioclips and match them with their corresponding images.


Good luck!

Wednesday 15 September 2021

English 5th Level: Unit 1 - Listening skill

Morning to everyone!

Today we are going to practise with the new vocabulary items we have to learn by heart in this unit. I hope this online Educaplay activity is helpful for you.



Tuesday 14 September 2021

Natural Science 5th Grade: Unit 1 - The organisation of living things

Morning to everyone,

Here you have a compilation with all the resources for this unit.

1. The characteristics of living things

Today we are going to deal with vital functions. To do so, you are going to watch some videos, but don't panic if you don't understand every single word. The important thing is to get a general idea!

In order to check your previous knowledge, click on the following image and try to solve the questions proposed. 

Apart from that, you can try to solve the following online activity. Good luck!

2. The cell

3. Unicellular and multicellular organisms

4. How the body works

I hope you find them useful!

Monday 13 September 2021

Natural Science 6th Grade: Unit 1 - The human body and interaction

Hi there,

Here you have a compilation with resources for unit 1.

1. The three vital functions

2. The interaction function

3. The sensory system

4. The nervous system

Besides, the following video tells you more about the nervous sytem, it will help you to understand how it works.

5. The musculoskeletal system

I hope you find these resources useful!

Sunday 12 September 2021

Registro de licencias digitales y códigos de acceso a los grupos de clase

Buenos días,

En el siguiente enlace pueden acceder a un tutorial para completar el registro de las licencias digitales de SM y para acceder al grupo creado de la clase.


Os recuerdo que los códigos para unirse a los grupos de clase son los siguientes:

6º Inglés: s00XE708F

6º Science: s008QW7MM

5º A Inglés: s00J81GNW

5º A Science: s00MB4HQ9

5º B: Inglés: s005B2JXJ

4º Inglés: s00Y5XB79

See you in class!

Friday 10 September 2021

How to fight Covid-19

Hello everyone,

This infographic is a reminder of how to fight Covid-19:

Besides, in the following video you can watch how to properly wash your hands:

Be safe!

Thursday 9 September 2021

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Friday 18 June 2021

We made it! School is over!

Today is our last day at school! After such a difficult year, you all did your best and now it is time to chill out for a while.

Please, don't forget to keep in touch with the English language during the summer holidays! See you in September!!!

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Saturday 1 May 2021

Thursday 29 April 2021

News from Poland!

Morning to everyone,

Finally, our partner school in Poland sent a video to us. In this video you can see their school and the pupils introducing themselves.

It's so nice to finally "meet" them!

Thursday 1 April 2021

Friday 26 March 2021

Monday 22 March 2021

Easter: picture dictionary!

Here you have an image with useful vocabulary about Easter.

Hope you find it useful!

Monday 1 March 2021

Thursday 25 February 2021

Working with colours: Cold and warm ones

Morning to everyone,

Today we are working with cold and warm colours. Here you have a chart to get a general idea of these concepts.

Hope you like it

Friday 19 February 2021

eTwinning: Connected by our games, connected by our legacies

Morning to everyone!

It is my great pleasure to announce that some days ago, the whole school started working on an eTwinning project with a school in Poland. In this post we will learn more about our partner country, Poland.

Besides, in the following video you can watch some fascinating details about this country.

Hope you like it!

Monday 1 February 2021

Friday 1 January 2021