Monday, 18 November 2019

Unit 3: Nutrition

Hi there,

As usual, here you have all the materials we used in class in Unit 3 divided into the different sections of the unit. Hope you find them useful!

What we need to live


The following picture help us understand the two main process in respiration:

And, as usual, Dr. Binocs is going to help us understand all about this process:


This is a picture to remind you the main parts of the digestive system.

Besides, in the following video there is a good explanation about the digestive system.

And in the following one, you can watch a cartoon about it.

Don't forget the extremely importance of teeth!

A healthy diet

You know how important a healthy diet is in order to grow strong and prevent illnesses. Here you can see an example of a food pyramid:

This video explains everything in detail:

And if you feel like playing, click on the following images. There are some great online games about this topic!

In the following one you can even read some explanations about the different groups of food:

This last is about space! Hope you like it:

See you in class!

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