Friday, 5 December 2014

Vertebrates in our world!


Title of the Unit: Vertebrates in our world! Level: 3rd Level Primary Education

1. Learning outcomes

a. Recognise and classify vertebrates: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
b. Identify and describe the characteristics related to vital functions which make it possible to classify vertebrate animals.
c. Classify animals based on their characteristics. 
d. Use keys and guides to identify animals.
e. Observe animals directly or indirectly, using suitable instruments and audiovisual and technological resources.
f. Find information on the characteristics of animals and how they live.

2. Subject Content

- Direct and indirect observation of animals using suitable instruments and audiovisual and technological resources.
- Vertebrate animals: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.
- Classifying vertebrates based on vital functions.
- Identifying animals using a guideline.
- Demonstrate an interest in observing and studying all living things.
- Introduction to scientific activity.
- Using different sources of information (direct, indirect).
- Individual and group work; interactive group work.
- Using information and communications technology.
3. Language Content / Communication: English Language

Mammals (whale, cheetah, leopard, giraffe); reptiles (rattlesnake, python, turtle, chameleon); amphibians (frog, tadpole, salamander, newt); birds (penguin, goose, pheasant, seagull); fish (roach, carp, stint, salmon).
Vertebrates, invertebrates. 
Carnivore, herbivore, omnivore.
Oviparous, viviparous.
Gills, fins, skeleton, spinal backbone, scales, dry scaly skin, feathers, moist skin, wings, legs, shell, lungs, fur.
Nutrition, interaction, reproduction.

 (Penguin) is a (bird).
(Salmon) is an (oviparous) animal.
(Whale) is a (vertebrate) animal.
The differences between (amphibians) and (reptiles) are…
The similarities between (mammals) and (birds) are…
An (ostrich) has a (beak).
A (seahorse) hasn’t got (teeth).

Discourse type Oral and written texts related to vertebrate animals and their characteristics.

Language skills Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Interaction.

4. Contextual (cultural) element

This template would be included in the Didactic Unit number 2 of the subject Natural Science.
Animals are related to children’s nearest environment and they are really interested in them. That is why the approach is focused on pupils’ as the main character of the teaching and learning process.

5. Cognitive (thinking) processes

Know and understand the different types of vertebrates.
Analyse the different similarities and differences when comparing two kind of animals.
Apply basic methods related to scientific activity.
Use different sources of information.
Planning projects.
Creation of final task.

6. (a) Task

Elaboration of the product “This is my zoo!” through recycled materials.

6. (b) Activities

1st Session:

Video/Story: Observe and analyse the characteristics of certain animals in order to identify and classify them.

Games: Describe and recognise the characteristics that define the different groups of vertebrates and give examples of each. 
2nd Session:

Song: Classify vertebrates based on their vital functions. (Listening and later recording and uploading using SoundCloud).

Mural: Recognise and describe the phases of metamorphosis in amphibians. 

3rd Session:

Research/ Web Quest: Describe how vertebrates carry out the three vital functions: nutrition, interaction and reproduction.

ICT: Use of the blog of the classroom for keeping a working diary in one of the entries (learning and self-assessment). 

4th Session:

Cooperative ICT: Cooperate as part of a group in the activity about interactive group work (comments about the final task: repair phase) through Padlet. 

Reinforcement activity: Elaboration of a picture dictionary.

Extension activity: Elaboration of a presentation where three groups of vertebrate animals are compared and contrasted. 

7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing
Session distribution (45 minutes per lesson): Section A: Initial routine (warm up, planning of the task or presentation) 8 minutes; Section B: Development (execution phase, production phase) 22 minutes; Final routine (evaluation phase, repair phase, self-evaluation phase) 15 minutes.

Classroom distribution: Tables arranged in 5 groups of 4 forming a U shape in the centre of the classroom (in order to favour the interactive group work methodology).

Resources / Materials: Blog of the English area, webpages about different vertebrate animals, worksheets, teacher’s laptop, interactive whiteboard.

Key Competences

- Linguistic communication (Objective b)
- Mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology (Objectives a, b, c, d, e, f)
- Competence in learning to learn (Objectives d, e)
- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit (Objective f)
- Digital competence (Objective f)
- Competence in Science and Technology (all the objectives).

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)

Evaluation Criteria 1. Identify and classify animals based on scientific criteria related to their morphology.
1.1. Observe, identify and recognise basic characteristics and classify vertebrate animals.
1.2. Observe living things directly and with suitable instruments or using audiovisual and technological resources. Gather information and use it to identify and classify animals.
(Competence in learning to learn)
Evaluation Criteria 2. Learn about scientific criteria related to vital functions, including diet and type of reproduction. Use them to classify living things.
2.1. Learn about the nutrition, interaction and reproduction functions of vertebrate animals and use them for classification.

Evaluation Criteria 3. Recognise a species with the help of keys and simple examples.
3.1.Use keys and guides to classify animals.
(Competence in learning to learn)

Evaluation Criteria 4. Demonstrate an interest in observing and studying invertebrates.
4.1. Demonstrate an interest in observing and studying living things.
4.2. Demonstrate the habit of caring for and respecting animals.

Evaluation Criteria 5. Obtain significant information about previously defined events and phenomena.
5.1.Consult and use written documents, images and charts. Look for, select and organise specific, relevant information.
(Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, Digital competence)

Evaluation Criteria 6. Communicate results in writing, presenting them with visual aids.
6.1. Use the vocabulary corresponding to each type of content appropriately.
6.2. Prepare explanatory texts to communicate research results and submit work in paper format that is organised and neat.
(Linguistic communication)

Evaluation Criteria 7. Work cooperatively and use materials appropriately.
7.1. Use strategies to complete assignments individually and with a group.
(Competence in learning to learn, Sense of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit)

Evaluation Criteria 8. Use the computer to reinforce and conduct a self-assessment of the content covered in this unit.
8.1. Use the computer to develop Natural Science knowledge.
(Digital competence)

Instruments: Direct observation through the whole unit and gathering of data in the teacher’s file of Excel. 
Correction of the activities, final task and final tests and the assignment to the corresponding percentage in the final evaluation.

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